
Currently Working On:

She's Coding

I'm currently helping the open-source project She's Coding refactor their existing site to be reponsive using a mobile first approach, in addition to creating a style guide using SASS.
I'm working on creating a mixin for an arrow button, a class style for buttons, template layout, and adding video content.

Image of Current Project


Decarbonate.Me is an iOS app that allows users to login with their EventBrite account and offset their carbon footprint for events they attend. My team was responsible for building the back end. During the planning process, I designed the architecture of the database and the mock JSON based on EventBrite's JSON. In addition, I wrote numerous tests.

Backend: MongoDb, Node, Express, Mocha, Chai, Superagent

Dinner and a Movie

Dinner and a Movie is a web application that allows users to find a movie theater and restaurants nearby. The application utilizes AJAX requests to Google Maps and Places API.

Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Handlebars, Google Maps
Backend: Node, Express, Google Maps API, Google Places API

Image of Dinner and a Movie App

My website is currently a work in progress. I designed this site using mobile first approach (see wireframes below) and making sure the site is responsive. I'm currently adding Flexbox and CSS animations.

Frontend: HTML, SASS, CSS animations, JavaScript, jQuery, Gulp, AJAX
Backend: PHP

Image of wireframes Image of wireframes